HUSH photo shoot Spring 2010
Behind the Lens!
After working as a stylist for photo shoots and fashion events for over a year now, I have become very comfortable behind the scenes putting looks together to achieve that perfect shot. Last Thursday I looked at things from a whole new perspective - from in front of the lens. Yes, ladies, I was somehow convinced that I should ‘model’ for a photo shoot.
My business partner Angie, has professional training and experience modeling for the camera. I have extensive experience working as her stylist. I’m not really sure how she did it, but she charmed me into not only selecting the clothes for the shoot, but also having my picture taken wearing them.
Wait a minute. I do know what cinched the deal – enter professional make up artist Kate. Kate Evans is an up – and – coming Ottawa make up artist who was kind enough to donate her services for our shoot. What can I say? I’m a sucker for a make over. Who isn’t!?! As it turns out, Kate absolutely lived up to all my excitement and gave me some FANTASTIC make up looks. Truly, some of the best I’ve seen!
The photographer was our talented friend, Natalie, from NDS photography (ndsphotography.com). We had high hopes of taking several different looks as well as getting some great stock photographs we could use for promos so as not to bore you guys with the same ol’ pics all the time!
Natalie came with some serious gear for our set; backdrop, lighting and all kinds of intimidating lenses. Sitting having my makeup done, whilst listening to the click, click, click of the camera shutter was a very Hollywood moment. It ended very quickly when I stepped on to set. I did my best to remember all the great things I learned from watching many seasons of America’s Next Top Model. Nuhtin’ doin! I had no hope in heck of coming close to a million dollar shot!
Thankfully Ang took over with many more looks and poses. She and Nat have a natural chemistry that allowed us to achieve our goal and stock up on all kinds of great pics you’ll be seeing over the next few months. I am happy I tried something new (it’s always character building to try something outside your comfort zone) but worry not Halle Berry, I am not after your job. I’ll stick to where I like it best, where the grass is definitely greener – behind the lens!
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