Peaked Coats
Winter brings more. More precipitation, more wind, more cold, more clothes, more layers. And one key layer? The jacket. Do not leave the safety of your home without it. Jackets have come a long way from the bulky items of coverage that once had the sole purpose of keeping us warm. Now, with their dual-purpose of fashion and functionality, we wear them with pride. They can match our boots or gloves, hit at the knee or the hip, have fabulous collars or fur-trimmed hoods.
This year the peacoat started us off strong and fashionably inclined. It ranged in a wide array of colours and lengths. I love the peacoat, it looks great with leggings, jeggings, and jeans; heeled and flat boots and Uggs alike. Then there was another jacket that became a predominant part of the picture – the down jacket. The fluff-filled coats are definitely making a huge comeback with Canada Goose leading the way. As of December 26 they were EVERYWHERE (must have been a big Christmas-list item this year). Now other brands are hopping on board with their own chic Michelin-man-type outerwear.
As the war wages between the trim peacoat and the tough down, only time will tell the victor. Personally, I will be sticking with my peacoats, but I do enjoy seeing the different shapes and colours of the down on other people who can actually pull off the look.
Nicolina Leone
Speaking of which I definitely need a new one for next winter, mine has done its time!